
3 06 2010

It’s the month of countdowns.

4 days until… I conduct my final wildlife transect of Mpala. By far my favorite project, I’ll be sure to bring my camera along as we take down wildlife count estimates all across Mpala.

7 days until… World Cup 2010. All of Kenya is buzzing with World Cup fever – we’re trying to figure out a way to get a satellite here in the bush so we can watch the matches. If it ends up working out I don’t think much field work or data analysis will get done in the next month.

23 days until… the Lewa marathon. The long training runs are winding down as I gear up for the big day. All 1,000 running spots have been filled and apparently there’s a waiting list. It should be a pretty awesome event.

25 days until… my flight leaves Kenya and I head back to the States. Has it been a year already? The first thing I plan on doing when I get home: riding my bike around town without the threat of elephants. and probably buying myself a large, ice cold diet coke.

ready, set, go…